Pinterest can be a great way to share the things you love and your interests!

Pinterest, an internet social group, is a great tool that allows you to pin or bookmark anything that you like as your tour through the internet.  Why this is a great way to share and broadcast is because it is a bookmarking network, and they have a great tool that allows you to link to friends who share similar interests and information.  When you link your items and content to your pinterest group, you are building a great way for your people to share with others.

Beautiful Graphics and Pictures Share Easily on Pinterest

Many people enjoy Pinterest for the graphics features that it offers.  Think of it this way, where you may have a bulletin board near your desk at your office, you may pin a postcard, a business card, or a photo that you enjoy to easily view and glimpse.  The tools of Pinterest are the same, and offer a digital way to add these images and graphics to your p board easily and quickly.  The link is established quickly, and it is easier than a facebook link, as there are no limitations.  Currently, facebook allows you to do only certain things, until you reach a certain amount of likes or shares on your wall or group.  How ridiculous is that?  The ease of Pinterest is that you can find a beautiful image, graphic or relevant data image, and easily bookmark it for future use, without going back to the original content.

Pinterest Keeps Copyright Laws In Check Easily

The copyright laws require that anyone who shares content on the internet, be certain to give legal and appropriate credit back to the original creator of the content.  This is true for any written words, images, graphics or any content that is online. For this reason, Pinterest does this easily for you, by creating a link back to the original spot of the content, creating a beautiful web of back links back to your original content.  Back links are a good way to empower your content to be a valid piece of information for search engines, and can create more eyes on your content.  The search engines like back links, because it shows them that people are interested in your original content.

As an example, if you were a plumber, and trying to grow your business, you may decide to have  a web site built for your business.  Continuing to build your business, you offer good service and customer experiences to your customers each day.  Online, you offer free options to your online customers by little tips and tricks.  One way to do this is to share your expertise, so people see value in your skills.  If you have a written article that offers a new and innovative way to discuss how to fix a leaky kitchen sink, and you are able to share that process with an original photo of the process to stop the leak, and now if it gets pinned on Pinterest, you can have a huge following of people who have leaky sinks.  How’s that for dedicated and direct marketing to those who really need your services?

Pinterest can bring you customers and friends

If you are a graphic artist or a photographer, pinterest is the way to go for you!  As well, any business can create a pinterest account, and share with their group things that really are fun and innovative.  It is a great way for non-profits to grow a back link stream to their website, and all you need is great original content.  If you have a book you have written, link to your book website.  Selling that next great device for the home kitchen?  Link the views to your website!  Always link back to your website, with Pinterest, and you will be growing your marketing base quickly and with the interest of your people.

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